Kate Soper

T H E   H U N T
🦄 three virgins sit in a meadow on the order of the King 🦄
🦄 whiling the time away with songs, riddles, and livestream updates 🦄
🦄 awaiting the appearance of the majestic unicorn 🦄

(It is not going well)

CAST: three sopranos self-accompanying on violin and ukulele
RUNTIME: approximately 90 minutes
Score here (for licensing contact Caroline Kane at PSNY)
Album here

"...a darkly funny fairy tale...the work adds up to something that few would qualify as absolutely an opera or a musical, or even a play with music – but, in classic Soper fashion, none of them and all of them at once."  The New York Times (full review)

"A "sly and satisfying new chamber opera from Kate Soper, whose work has been at contemporary opera's vanguard for the past decade...suggestively tying questions about women, representation and patriarchy together with a welcome light touch."   Observer (full review)

"The Hunt's strongest argument for the possibility of growth, connection, and agency even under adverse and restrictive circumstances lay, of course, in its music, in which three individual voices were able to combine and transform into something infinitely rich and strange."   Parterre Box (full review)

Photo by Rob Davidson for Miller Theatre at Columbia University